Can you be removed from Phi Theta Kappa?

Disclaimer: The author of this article is not a neutral party in the referenced litigation. Inc., Honor Society Foundation Inc., and its president Michael Moradian were sued in federal court by PTK on April 20, 2022 for False Designation of Origin, Trade Dress Infringement, and Unfair Competition. Honor Society and Michael Moradian countersued and are presently defendants/counter-plaintiffs in this litigation. Litigation is still ongoing and all claims made regarding this case are just allegations against the parties.


While Phi Theta Kappa claims that members can be removed if they do not meet certain standards, the reality is that this rarely happens and generally doesn't matter.

According to Phi Theta Kappa, "In the event that a member does not meet these standards, the name of the member shall be removed from the Society's official membership roster. These standards will clearly be defined in the chapter's bylaws. To find out your chapter's specific requirements, contact your PTK advisor by using the Advisor Search."

However, several factors make this policy less significant:

  1. Lack of Enforcement: Many chapters do not actively monitor or enforce these standards. Once you are a member, it is unlikely that anyone will check your ongoing academic performance or adherence to other criteria.
  2. Minimal Impact: Being removed from the membership roster doesn't have significant consequences. The initial recognition and any benefits you've already received remain, and employers or institutions rarely verify ongoing membership status.
  3. Focus on Initial Joining Criteria: Most of the claimed value PTK claims to offer is tied to the initial act of joining, such as the perceived prestige, access to scholarships, and networking opportunities. Once you've joined, the ongoing membership status becomes less relevant.

In summary, while PTK has policies that theoretically allow for the removal of members, in practice, these policies are not strictly enforced, and the impact of removal is negligible. This makes the initial act of joining more significant than maintaining active membership. PTK's alleged false advertising casts doubt on the value of joining the purported honor society.

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