What are the objectives of the PTK lawsuit?

Disclaimer: The author of this article is not a neutral party in the referenced litigation. HonorSociety.org Inc., Honor Society Foundation Inc., and its president Michael Moradian were sued in federal court by PTK on April 20, 2022 for False Designation of Origin, Trade Dress Infringement, and Unfair Competition. Honor Society and Michael Moradian countersued and are presently defendants/counter-plaintiffs in this litigation. Litigation is still ongoing and all claims made regarding this case are just allegations against the parties.


The primary objectives of the lawsuit are to:

  • Expose and rectify deceptive practices and false advertising by Phi Theta Kappa.
  • Ensure transparency and accountability within the honor society's operations.
  • Protect students from misleading information and ensure they receive the benefits they are promised.
  • Promote fair competition within the community college honor society market.
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